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Quball 1 Billiards

Larry "Moto" Steele, Owner



I am Larry Steele, the owner of Quball1, a pool room -- an old-fashioned pool room like the one your father or your uncle played in. Only we have beer and wine.


My motivation for opening a pool room was simple. I loved the game, plus I needed a job. I was tired of hustling. It seemed like I had been doing that since I was born -- three paper routes at the age of eleven, military, and on and on. You know we are all winners. From the day you were born, you kicked the other hundreds of sperm in the butt to get here.


A little history of Quball1 we opened in November of 2004. The name, the logo, the colors all my idea. It’s like a game of one pocket. You got to be creative in this world to exist. One pocket is the chess game of pool. A lot of the players here grew up at a time when there were a lot of pool rooms in D.C. That is where they learned the game of one pocket. I wanted to provide a place where a person could feel comfortable while out, regardless of their age or sex, so do drop in and shoot your best shot.


We have ten Brunswick pool tables  six 9' with tight pockets and four 8' all Gold Crown 3 and one Anniversary. We are open seven days a week and closed on Christmas Day. The average age player in the room is about 50. So, stop in and see if you have what it takes. We are in Capitol Heights , Maryland-- a mile and a half from the D.C. line and a half mile from FedEx Field.  

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